Saturday 28 May 2011

How Sunlight Can Protect You From Breast Cancer

In his study, Esther studied women with breast cancer and women without breast cancer and reported that those women who got the least amount of sun had about a 70 percent increase in breast cancer risk.

Let me repeat that again: women who got the least amount of sun had about a 70 percent increase in breast cancer risk.

I don’t know about you, but with breast cancer on the increase in women, this research offers some very interesting findings, in my opinion.

Stimulated by direct sunlight to the skin, the body produces Vitamin D, an essential nutrient in the function of the immune system. A number of studies have shown that Vitamin D inhibits the growth of breast cancer cells and other cancer cells and tumors in the body.

Additionally, Vitamin D is also essential to the absorption of Calcium in the body which is important to all women in the fight against osteoporosis.

Free breast cancer Treatment guidelines Available

The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) and the American Cancer Society (ACS) have collaborated to produce guidelines that will help patients and their family members make more informed decisions about breast cancer treatment, according to an Oct 7, 2002, news release from ACS. The breast cancer treatment guidelines are based on NCCN clinical practice guidelines used by physicians, and they provide patients with a glossary of cancer terms, as well as information abouts

* types of breast cancer,

* cancer tests and examinations,

* types of treatment, and

* clinical trials.

The guidelines contain the same decision tree flow charts used by physicians, which represent appropriate courses of treatment for each stage of breast cancer. Access to this information helps women better understand their treatment options and take a more active role in making decisions regarding their health care.

The breast cancer guidelines are part of a series. Other guidelines available cover topics including cancer of the prostate, ovaries, lungs, colon, and rectum. Many of the guidelines are available in Spanish as well as English. These materials are available free of charge and can be obtained by visiting the NCCN web site at or calling NCCN at (888) 909-6226 or by visiting the ACS web site at or calling (800) 227-2345.

The NCCN Provides Free Information to Help Women with Breast Cancer Make More Informed Treatment Decisions (news release, Rockledge, Pa: American Cancer Society, Oct 7, 2002) MED/content/MED_2_1x_The_NCCN_Provides_Free_Information (accessed 21 Oct 2002).

Monday 9 May 2011

2 Fast 2 Furious Mediafire download

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Former cop Brian O'Conner who teams up with his ex-con pal Roman Pearce to transport a shipment of 'dirty' money for shady Miami-based import-export dealer Carter Verone, while actually working with undercover agent Monica Clemente to bring Verone down.

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